4 Easy Steps: To Maintain Bike Efficiently
Disclaimer: This is a technical topic but, not only for the Engineers but for all those educated who can read and understand the motive of this topic.
In Engineering we were taught a common subject in our first year - 'Elements of Mechanical Engineering' so that we can become practical with our day to day life Mechanical machines and appliances.
A 'HEART ATTACK' kills a human being! What about machines??? Do they have any heart attack??? Yes!!! They do have heart attack, but slow heart attacks! And then the day comes when it becomes useless machine -A Dead Machine! Here I am talking about a simple machine which is present in almost every residence of India - BIKE!
YES! Only engine is the heart of any bike and without engine it is nothing more than a skeleton!
So here are four easy tips for you to maintain as well as increase the life and mileage of your bike engine:
Step-1: At the start of your day, kick start your bike and leave it ideally for at least 15 seconds.
Reason: When you stop park your bike and leave it for about 4 hours and more, all the gear box oil gets collected back into the oil sump.
Their is an 'Oil Pump' in every engine which is directly connected to the crank shaft of the engine. When we start our bike the oil pump automatically gets started! The function of this oil pump is to draw the oil from the oil sump which is at the bottom of your engine and spreads it all over your engine oiling bike engine, clutch and gears!
By doing so, we use to reduce the mechanical friction which causes wear and tear to the gear teeths and other automobile components.
Benefit: Smooth Engine Running!
Step-2: As junk food is not good for our health; cheap and low quality ECG oil is not at all good for your bikes health!
Maintain your bike through regular maintenance and mainly the re-filling of ECG (Engine-Clutch-Gears) Oil. Never allow your garage mechanic to re-fill any local oil. Always use standard ECG oil for the heart of your vehicle.
Note: Make the habit to note down the meter reading after every service and maintenance of your vehicle. And make practice to change your ECG oil after every 1800 - 2000 Kilometers of ride!
Benefit: Long Engine Life!
Step-3: Check and Maintain the tyre pressure of your bike in every 15 days! (Front Wheel: 30 - 35 bar and Rear Wheel: 35 - 40 bar)
Reason: No doubt that the Friction is necessary for us to walk on the ground and to ride a bike on the roads but more the friction, more will be the load on your engine and hence more will be the fuel consumption! Which results in to the reduction of your bike mileage. SIMPLE! Right???
Benefit: Maintained Mileage!
Step-4: When your vehicle asks you for the fuel (i.e. when your bike comes in reserve) full your tank with the fuel completely!
Reason: When you top up your fuel tank 100% it directly increases the average of your vehicle by approximately 5 km/litre. Can't believe it? Try it practically with your own bike!
Benefit: Increased Mileage!
So, don't just run your Bikes by feeding somewhat fuel in it without any maintenance and care!
Just like we Being Human requires quality food and maintained healthy life. Our machines, engines also deserves the same from an Educated Human Being.
Post Script: I am following all these mentioned four easy and simple maintenance steps personally for my bike. My bike has completed 5 years with me and still it is providing me the average of 60-65 km/litre.
Post Script: I am following all these mentioned four easy and simple maintenance steps personally for my bike. My bike has completed 5 years with me and still it is providing me the average of 60-65 km/litre.
© Deepak Agrawal Blogs 2015